I know this blog is about handmade items and gifts, so please don't be bugged if I'm a little off subject today. Perhaps you'll find this information to be a gift to you if you happen to be dealing with earwigs...also known in my house as "antlers" and "ew-wigs".
To be honest, earwigs drive me absolutely crazy. Every year I dread the day they begin to appear, and I want them gone. So I always have my spray bottle ready...a mixture of Dawn dish detergent and water. I usually spot them in the bathroom and the kitchen, as they seem to be attracted to moisture. When I see them, I spray them, and they are done. Every year I spray around the windows and doors of my house, where I assume they enter. The spray has always helped, but those little things were still troublesome.
I would be disgusted by the earwigs I would find on our towels and washcloths. I've had them drop out of the toilet paper roll, and the worst was finding one on my toothbrush. Straight to the garbage, no doubt. Keeping things clean does not seem to deter these nasties from wandering in. And this seems to be a very buggy year.
If you are as creeped out as I am with earwigs, read on because there is hope for getting rid of them. I have tried the other solutions I have found online, which are repeated through multiple sites. I will let you know what I've discovered.
Earwigs mostly appear at night and I wanted to try the rolled up newspaper method. I rolled up some newspapers and placed a rubber band around each roll. Then I got the papers really wet, and set them outside near where the earwigs enter the house. Supposedly the earwigs climb into the wet rolls and get trapped in there. In the morning there was no visible sign of earwigs in the rolls, but I was not brave enough to unroll them and find out.
I also tried the oil traps. I prefer this method because the results are visible. It is suggested that you place an inch of vegetable oil into a short empty tuna can, and place it outside. The earwigs are attracted to the oil, and drown in it. I took a larger container and put an inch or two of oil inside. Look at what I found inside after several days.
Ewww....I know. But the good thing is they are no longer coming into my house like they used to.
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